Monthly Fellowship News

Shalom mishpocah,

We hope you can join us this Shabbat (12/9) for the 2nd day of Hanukkah.

Lisa A. has games planned along with a taco bar and a donut eating contest.

She asked if we could bring drinks or your favorite Hanukkah dessert UNLESS YOU HAVE BEEN ASSIGNED A CONTRIBUTION FOR THE TACOS.


Where:  The Gathering 287 FM 20 Bastrop, TX 78602-3773


When: 1 pm-4 pm (2nd Saturday of the month)



For anybody that can help with setup at 12:30 PM and/or clean up till approx. 4:25PM it is greatly appreciated!


Our dedicated Venmo account for contributing towards the monthly rental of the facility: @SeekingMessiah also PayPal:

Blessings in Yeshua, Brian & Heidi